Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Getting back into the swing.

It's been quite some time since I've written words on this page...or written words at all for that matter. I've had a busy couple of years as you could imagine. I've missed expressing myself on this blog and am hoping to get back into it.

Let's see, where do I begin? I married Brian on Sept. 26, 2009 and it was the most amazing day of my life. We had about as perfect a day as you could hope for. Sunny, warm, comfortable. We had a little more than 100 guests at our home for the ceremony. It was short and sweet and all about us. We were fortunate enough to have one of our best friend's serve as our JP and Brian and I wrote our own vows. The ceremony was under 15 minutes long but in no way short on emotion. Plenty of laughter and tears. Our words to each other were from the heart we both still reference them often. As to be expected, the reception was a blast. We are fortunate that many of our friends and family already knew each other so it was a great party. And it was clearly evident how good a time they all had when they came strolling into our house for brunch the next day hiding under hoods and sunglasses!

I'm a full-fledged step-mom to three young boys. Stephen 12, Anthony 10, and Drew 8 are the lights of my life. Each uniquely different I couldn't love them more. We have a great relationship and I'm so happy they were brought into my life. Even though it's something I never really aspired to do, I've really enjoyed being a parent to these boys. Brian and I are a great parenting team and I generally believe the boys are very happy when they are in our home. Dare I say, I think they'd like to be here much more than they are. We're probably not too far away from the "why can't we live with you?" question.

But it hasn't all been sunshine and roses the last few years. In 2009, my father was diagnosed with colon cancer. After a long, two-year battle, we lost him in December of 2011. He was only 57. I miss him everyday. We do a good job of keeping his memory alive, though. I'm always telling stories about my childhood with him and we rehash some of the times he had with the boys too. It's important to me they realize that no one is ever really gone.

Almost a year after my father's passing, my mother informed me she had been diagnosed with breast cancer. I was shocked and terrified to say the least. I just couldn't handle the thought of being without both of my parents. Mom's battle spanned almost a year and I am beyond happy to report that she is healthy and cancer-free!

It's been a challenging time career-wise for me as well. When we moved to Framingham in 2009, I made the decision to leave my Sports Editor job and bartend in the city full-time. It made sense at the time. It was an opportunity for me to make great money while looking for a new job in my field. But I got a little comfortable with the laid-back schedule and big wallet and didn't really look much for work. "Differing opinions" led to me and a host of other bartenders being let go. But if I'm being honest, it was clear they were cleaning house. So I had a nice summer off with my husband and children, taking up golf and enjoying our time together. I had a goal of having a job in my field by Sept. 1 and unfortunately that's come and gone. It's been a long, difficult process but I'm certain something will come along soon. I'm just grateful to have the love and support of my wonderful husband during this difficult time.

Well, that's about it. All caught up. I'm going to try to be better about posting as it was something I really did enjoy for many years. And it will certainly help me get back into the swing of writing!

Friday, September 18, 2009


I'm getting married.

That sentence has more meaning than you know. For years, I've thought, "Nah, that marriage stuff just isn't for me." Then, I met the most amazing man on the planet...and he changed my outlook. He made me understand why people want to do this whole commitment thing. I want to be his wife and he wants to be my husband. We have a love that is envied and adored. Equally. He is the love of my life and I wish all of my friends my kind of happiness. It can happen. You just have to NOT be looking for it. Love smacked me upside the face. When I least expected it, in the place I least expected it. Believe in love and it'll happen for you.

Brian, I love you and I can't wait to be your wife. In (almost) seven days, I will be Mrs. Pepi. You've already made me the most satisfied and happy woman on the planet. I love you so much. xoxo

Monday, February 02, 2009

Almost home.

So, the inspection went well. Nothing earth shattering and nothing we weren't already aware of. The biggest project for us will be the kitchen, which we have to completely redo. Brian and I spent the better half of Sunday at HomeDepot getting some insight and checking out new appliances. Last night, we had some homework to do in the workbooks they gave us. It's a lot of stuff to look at and I just hope we get it all right!

We are going to sign the P&S tomorrow or Wednesday and close at the end of the month. Literally, like the last day of the month. We're hoping the bank will let us in there over the next couple of weeks to put some paint on the walls and clean the place before we move in. It's so exciting!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


The bank finally got a plumber into the house yesterday. He replaced the water meter and fixed the one pipe line that burst. We went to the house last night to turn on all the faucets and everything was flowing and draining nicely!! Our home inspection is Wednesday afternoon and we sign Thursday!

Oh my gosh, this is really happening!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Waaaaah. We just want a house. Waaaaah.


Is it always this difficult to buy a home? It just can't be. Our offer was accepted nearly two weeks ago and we still have yet to sign a PNS!! Problem is it's a foreclosure, so we're dealing with a bank. And the bank SUCKS!

Long story short, we had to put oil in the tank to get the heat up and running. That went fine. Next step was the water, which has been off for as long as the property has been vacant (420-plus days). So the bank turns the water on last week and guess what? There are leaks! So they say they're going to get a plumber in there to do some work. That was last Wednesday. It's now nearly a week later and they've yet to get a plumber over there!

Why does the bank not see the urgency here? It's January...In Massachusetts!!! News flash, it's pretty freaking cold these days and that's not a good thing for pipes! I know it's all going to be on their dime so I really shouldn't complain but I just think the longer they wait, the more damage there could be! Just get on it already!!! We want this home!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Life reflections on my birthday.

Today, Lady J is 31 years young.

In looking back over the last 31 years of my life, I can recognize several peaks and valleys. Indeed I've had plenty of ups and downs in my life but I've always persevered thanks to the love of my wonderful family and endearing friends.

But over the last two years, I've come to rely on someone else to help keep me sane and happy. And someone is Brian Pepi. Meeting this wonderful man has improved my life in so many ways. Until I met him, I'd never known what it felt like to be truly loved by a man. He is so giving, caring, and loving that I am at times overwhelmed. How can someone love me so much?, I ask myself. But then I think of how much I love him and it all makes sense.

And not only have I been blessed to have him in my life over the last two years, but also his three boys. Stephen, Anthony, and Drew have impacted my life in a way I never thought possible. I've always been a somewhat selfish person when it comes to how I spend my time and for that reason, I never wanted children. But having these three boys in my life has made me see things differently. Though not technically mine, I consider them my kids. Excuse me, our kids. When I know we're going to have them over, I get so excited. And just thinking about seeing them open presents on Christmas Day brings an instant smile to my face. Sure our weekends with them can be long and exhausting, but I constantly forget how tired I am when one of them flashes me a smile, wakes me with a nudge, or gives me a squeeze or smooch.

I guess these two last years have been the most memorable to me, mostly because they've shaped the life I'm going to lead. I've found the personal life I've always wanted. I have the man of my dreams and the children I never thought would exist for me.

Thank you, Brian, for coming into my life and bringing your beautiful boys with you. Here's looking forward to another 31 happy years together. I love you!